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About Philip Mawer

My name is Phil Mawer and I am the owner and publisher of this website as well as the author of Overcoming Gambling (published by Sheldon Press and available through this website, www.amazon.com or from most good bookshops). I am also the founder and creator (along with my wife) of the Gamblersaloud systematic approach to totally overcoming gambling.

I have been involved with gambling since around the age of 24 and for over 20 years it was a hugely destructive part of my life. On August 11th 2006 I placed my last bet (in a casino at Frankfurt Airport) after which time my wife created my Rock Bottom and we embarked on my recovery. Over the past 4 years we have written the book and created the system based on my total recovery in the hope we can help others with gambling addictions. Nothing within our system was introduced for the sake of it. Everything contained within our system and written in the book was and is a genuine and real part of my recovery.

Our mission is to offer problem and compulsive gamblers an alternative to other forms of help available to overcome their gambling problem or gambling addiction.

We disagree with the anonymous approach and relying too much on spending a lot of time telling other problem gamblers about your problem, although we fully recognise that for some people, these methods work for them. Our methods are neither scientifically formulated nor scientifically proven to work but if they worked so totally for me, I see no reason why they can’t similarly transform your life.

The Gamblersaloud approach is aimed not just at the problem gamblers but at helping all those effected by these gambling addictions such as spouses, partners, relatives, friends, and significant others. We encourage a “Team CG” method in order that a total support network is formed to help all those affected.

By joining our free membership we aim to give you access to all the latest news regarding the gambling industry in order to stoke your anger towards them as this is a valuable tool for keeping you from going back and making the casino owners even richer than you did before. We aim to run a help forum for those who have bought the system and welcome suggestions on improvements, omissions and facets not mentioned in the system but which have helped others remain gambling free.

In time I hope to embark on lecturing tours around the country (and hopefully the world) in order to raise far greater awareness of the ever increasing problem of gambling addictions, particularly within the youth and within the student community. In almost every society we are all given the choice of whether to gamble or not, so my aim is just to inform those considering gambling of the potential risks involved.

On our links page you’ll find select recommended other products and services aimed at helping you further transform your life into a healthy, balanced and meaningful lifestyle in which gambling plays no part. Our principle aim with the Gamblersaloud System is to not only help you STOP gambling, but ensure that you STAY STOPPED.
